Wednesday, December 11, 2013

New Print Setup!!!! READ BEFORE PRINTING!!!I

I have changed the paper in the printer. For the remainder of the semester, you will be printing using Epson Enhanced Matte photo paper. This means you will have to set the paper in the printer as well as select the new custom printer profile that I made named RC PHOTO Enhanced Matte.
 Screen grabs of the correct settings are below.
I am recommended that you now use the Perceptual rendering rather than Relative Colormetric as it is more appropriate when printing to matte papers.
Lastly, when you select the paper in the Printer Settings, the output resolution will drop to 1440. Set it back to 2880.
Please be sure to triple check all your settings before printing as we are on the verge of running out of paper and ink. Please only print work for class.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Stuff to have on Flickr

Multifaceted Personality
Video of Daily Photos
Final Urban Wildlife Photo
Little Planets
HDR image

Extra Credit!!!

Videos from Daily Photos















Nature Center Show details - updated April 25

I tweaked the write up a tiny bit more. I sent along Kim's image for use on the Nature Center's website and wherever else.

Someone needs to create a Facebook Even page right away and invite everyone....

Nature in the Urban Scene

In this exhibit, photography students from the University of Toledo explore the ways in which urbanites experience nature. From feeding the squirrels, to exotic pets, circus acts, and animal rehabilitation -  our love for nature takes many forms and not all of them are to nature's benefit.  This work explores nature's presence in our man-made environment in an effort to better understand the sometimes strained relationship between city dwellers and nature.


Casey Becker, Kim Reuther, Eric Broz, Kayla Dopfer, Hayley Geyer, Andrew Grady, Crystal Hand, Abhisheck Mutha, Mike Nelson, Emily Pawlicki, Kelsi Roth, Murilo Teldeschi, Tony Wilcox, Caitlyn Witt, Dee Brown, Emily Pohlman


Seder Burns

Artist reception: Saturday May 4th 12- 5

Work will hang in a gallery with carpeted walls. 36 linear exhibit feet comprising 4 walls of 7, 12, 9 and 8 feet with a 9 ft. ceiling.  We frequently double stack exhibit prints.

Work needs to be turned in Wednesday 1st during final exam session.

 :    all day combo reception for grand re-opening of the building and the exhibit. There will be light refreshments.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

You should have 100 daily photos as of Thursday, April 18th

The total number of days between Tuesday, January 8th, 2013 and Thursday, April 18th, 2013 was 100 days. Thus, in a perfect world you would have 100 daily photos.

I know that a number of you went away for Spring Break. If you were photographing something that was Toledo location specific, then I will give you a grace of 7 days. If you fit this criteria, then you should have 93 photos.

Your daily photos should all be on Flickr. I asked you to post them to Flickr every week or two. By Thursday, they should all be on Flickr. If they are not, this will negatively impact your project grade.

If you haven't kept up on this assignment, please do not try to pull a fast one and shoot 100 images on a single day and tell me that one was taken each day. It won't work. I can read the data from the files. That would constitute academic dishonesty and I would be required to report it to the university.

I look forward to seeing the resulting videos from your photos!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Extra Credit Oppurtunities - Assemble all your daily photos into a grid

A few students have requested extra credit opportunities. I am offering three such projects for extra credit.

1. Assemble all your daily photos into a single grid with perfect spacing by setting up a grid. This will require you to do some math to determine the size of the individual image and the final grid image. It wouldn't be adequate to just use the 'pixel shim' method for this. The instructions for this are below.

2. Alternatively or additionally, you could create an additional Multifaceted Personality assemblage. It must be comprised of at least 30 individual images. It must show multiple aspects of that person's personality. It must be of someone other than the person who you photographed for the required 3x3
and 5x5 grid images.

3. Alternatively or additionally, you could create a PhotoSynth of Artomatic 419! Here you can read up and watch videos on how to make one. Note: You have to upload the files using a Windows machine running PhotoSynth. I could install it on a computer in the lab that I installed Windows 7 on using Apple Bootcamp.


How to assemble all your daily photos into a grid with perfect spacing

Now, you are going to take your individual images and combine them into a single image consisting of a grid of portraits. You are going to create the completed grid with adequate resolution and quality to make a print of no less than 16" in the shortest dimension @ 300ppi. Since 16 x 300 pixels = 4800 pixels wide, this would be appropriate resolution for your width.

Before you begin, be sure to have your images fully edited. I suggest you edit them all at once using Adobe Camera Raw. Browse to them all using Bridge. Control click (right click) and select open in Adobe Camera Raw. Edit them all. Save them all into a new folder.

Then open PS. Go to File > Scripts > Image Processor. Re-size all you images to an appropriate size. Be sure save them into a new folder (though I believe by default it will save them into a folder named JPEG assuming you are saving them as JPEGs). In class, I decided I wanted them all to be 2" wide, so each image was 600 pixels wide (300ppi x 2"). I decided to use 1/4" borders between everything. So, each border is 75 pixels.

If you have an assortment of horizontal and vertical images, you have to make a few decisions. One option is to crop them all to the same orientation. If you only have a few, then I suggest you go that route. If it is roughly a 50/50 mix, then I suggest you re-size all your images so that the longest dimension is 600px.  Then, layout your grid as though there are 600x600 pixels squares for each image. Then just center your image within that area of the square. That will results in borders that are not uniform in width, but all the images will be equidistant from each other based on their centers (which is to say, it will still look good).

Using Bridge, browse to the folder containing the newly re-sized images. Select them all, then from the main menu go to Tools > Photoshop > Open as Layer Stack. This will open them all up as individual layers in a single image.

Save that image. You can use this as the basis of your animated video (extra credit, plus it is cool).

Re-size your canvas. For this one I set the width to 4800 pixels wide as discussed above. The dimension that you pick for the height isn't that important now as you can add or crop off canvas from the bottom as needed. I suggest you just go with 4800 pixels high to get started. Keep the stacked layers in the top left when you do the re-sizing.

Then go to Image > Canvas Size and set the width to 16".

Turn on the grid. Make sure snap is on. By default, it is marked every 1/4 inch. If that doesn't work for you, then you will have to go into Preferences and change the grid preferences.

Select one of the layers. Move the layers into place and let them snap to the grid. Not the that your layers are stacked. Are they in the right chronological order? I suggest that you order them chronologically. If they were all taken with the same camera, then they should be automatically stacked in the right order. If you use multiple cameras, you will have to sort the layers out before placing each image within the grid.

Keep doing this until you run out of space. Add canvas to the bottom as needed. When you are done, be sure to save a version with layers intact as well as a version with the layers flattened.

To add a background color, just make a new layer at the very bottom of the layer stack and fill it with any color that you want.

I encourage you to keep up on this project. You can always add more canvas to the bottom of your image to add the additional images whenever you have the time.

NOTE: I want you to have space between all your images.  

Thursday, April 18, 2013

How to assemble your daily photos into a video

Here is a very nice write up on how to create a video like this using Photoshop

Begin with a folder of all your images at the same exact size.

If you prefer or have cause to, you can import all your images into a layer stack and then make a video from that.

You need to host it on YouTube or Vimeo to get credit for it. Personally, I prefer Vimeo. YouTube may be faster as you probably already have a Google account of some kind and can use that to log into YouTube.

***You can make a higher resolution video if you want. It turns out 640x480 is NOT the standard resolution of older style TVs.

The standard resolution of older style TVs is 768x576. I suggest you make your video 1920x1080 which is referred to as Full HD.

DVD resolution: 720x576 pixels
HD resolution: 1280x720 or 1920x1080 pixels. The HD definition corresponds to the 16:9 format, as per modern TVs (Plasma/LCD).