This blog is designed to facilitate the instruction of ART 3000 Digital Photography; a Digital Photography course offered at the University of Toledo in Toledo, OH, USA.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Due Monday
-One test shot for the Ambiguous Doppelgangers Project. Okay, that really means two shots to be combined into one image. You don't need to do the editing, just the shooting. We will combine them in class.
-Your ISO shots if you need to redo those.
Morgan's Significant Outfit
Maricruz - Significant Outfit
Significant Outfit Clinton Bales
Color Management & Ink Jet Printing
Luminous Landscape, a really great photography website, has recently posted an article by Andrew Rodney titled Why Are My Prints Too Dark. It is very current and address some maters that have arisen since the 2005 publication of his excellent book on the subject; Color Management for Photographers. I encourage you to read it and the numerous articles that he links to.
X-rite is the largest and most popular manufacturer of color management products. They make a product called the Color Munki Photo which is a very reasonably priced color management package targeted at photographers. They produced a nice series on videos on using the device. The first video on color is especially well produced and concise.
Below, is an extensive write up on digital exposure determination and ink jet printing that I wrote up a few years ago. I have already asked you to read the first part. I would now like you to read the second part on ink jet printing.
Due Wednesday and agenda
2. Edited 5 Images demonstrating your ability to take a sharp, well exposed photo.
3. A series of shots from your lowest to your highest ISO. Be sure to look through your camera's manual to see if you can 'unlock' a higher ISO. Some very high ISO setting are named something like HI-SPEED 1, HI-SPEED 2, etc. Consult your manual to find their numerical equivalents.
Next class we will begin to discuss color management with an emphasis on monitor calibration. We will cover how to batch edit RAW files. I will introduce Project 1.
Next week we will begin a discussion on composition.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Due Monday and recap
5 photos that demonstrate that you know how to use your camera to take a sharp, well exposed photo.
Bring the RAW files to class. You will edit them during class time.
Recap- we reviewed editing of a RAW file. We made it through the Basic tab and making global edits.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, January 15, 2011
By Wednesday...
Also - I would like you to read your camera's instruction manual. Some basic things that I want you to set are: Turn on long exposure noise compensation, set your meter to 1/3 stop increments, turn on the overview grid if it is available, turn your review time to stay on until you hit the shutter release, make sure you know how get to your histogram and blinking highlight indicators.
Best regards,
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Course Syllabus
ART 3150: Digital Photography
University of Toledo: Center for the Visual Arts
Section: 001 Credit hours 3 Spring 2011, 6:00pm – 8:30pm, M/W CVA Room 2050
Office hours: 4:30-6 pm Mon./Wed and 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Tues./Thurs., CVA Room 2090
Professor Seder Burns Email:
Class Blog:
Course Description:
ART 3150 Digital Photography is an intermediate level course examining visual literacy, technological
changes and conceptual issues in contemporary photography. Utilizing the Adobe ® Photoshop
application in this computer-intensive course, you will refine the skills you learned in Digital Art I and Art
Photography. You will be creating digital artworks, as well as expressing yourself verbally through
critiques, writings and discussions involving readings on several issues related to “digital photography”
and its impact on art. This course will also ask you to reflect on specific ethical concerns related to
“digital photography.”
Course Content:
Creative development of ideation and conceptual aspects of creating digital art.
Artistic/Visual expression in digital format (itʼs not all about the machine!)
Copyright concerns, digital vs. traditional photography.
Traditional and alternative presentation methods, moving beyond the white matt.
Readings and reviews on digital photography
Hands-on use of Photoshop CS5
Building a Photoshop System
Photoshop Tools and Work Efficiency
Image Essentials
Photoshop Retouching Tools
Color Essentials and Color Settings
Text in Photoshop
Tonal Corrections/Color Correction
Storing Images-File Formats
Capturing Images-Input Devices
Digital Darkroom, Photographic Techniques
Scanners, Film and Flatbed
Output Devices
Digital Camera
New “Photographic features”
I. Requirements
A. Completion of all in class assignments and homework on time.
B. Completion of all outside assignments.
C. Additional studio time per week may be necessary.
D. Class participation in critiques, discussions and field trips.
E. Punctual attendance – see policy.
II. Tentative Class Schedule/Activities/List of Topics Covered
In general, the first part of class will be spent on the introduction, demonstration, and discussion of new material. The latter part will be reserved for lab time or critiques. This schedule is very likely to change to accommodate the pace of the class and new ideas.
Week 1: Introductions, course overview, review of syllabus, review shooting basics
Read Preface and Chapter 1 in Ritchin book
Week 2: Color management – calibrate your monitors & Intro to Processing/Editing RAW files
Read Chapter 2 in Ritchin book
Week 3: Self Portrait – multiple instances
Read Chapter 3 in Ritchin book
Week 4: Self Portrait – multiple instances
Read Chapter 4 in Ritchin book
Week 5: Printing and Critique
Read Chapter 5 in Ritchin book
Week 6: Secrets Project
Read Chapter 6 in Ritchin book
Week 7: Secrets Project
Read Chapter 7 in Ritchin book
Week 8: TBD
Read Chapter 8 in Ritchin book
Week 9: Critique
Read Chapter 9 in Ritchin book
Week 10: Black and White Project
Read Chapter 10 and Afterword in Ritchin book
Week 10: Black and White Project
Week 11: Critique
Week 12: Night Photography
Week 13: Night Photography
Week 14:
Week 15: Final critique, all work is due at completion of exam period
IV. Grading Policy
Letter Grades
A+ Excellent and ready for museum display at the Whitney!
A Excellent and ready for display in a museum
A- Excellent
B+ Very Good but not quite Excellent
B Very Good
B- Good
C+ High Average
C Average
C- Low Average
D+ Just Below Average (passing)
D Below Average (passing)
D+ Barely passing
F Failure
To determine your final grade, each project, exercise, and assignment will be averaged, along with participation, with the following weights:
Exercise (X 1)
Assignment (X 3)
Projects (X6)
Class Participation (X1)
Participation in discussions and critiques (X 2)
Criteria for evaluation of assignments:
Quality of work relating to the effective and creative use of tools. You will be graded on the technical application. Each assignment will clearly state the goals and areas of grading.
Students are expected to complete all assignments and submit them on the due date. Assignments will not be accepted after three days beyond the due date. Late assignments will be reduced by one letter grade for each day it is late. It is responsibility of the student to read and understand the assignment sheets. Ask questions directly or via email if you do not understand an assignment, as soon as possible.
ANY CLASS MISSED WILL NOT BE REPEATED. IT IS YOUR SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO CONTACT ME OR YOUR CLASSMATES FOR MISSED INFORMATION. If you miss class, then I suggest you start by looking at the class blog. I cannot be expected to teach you what you missed at the expense of teaching other students new material. I would suggest you come to my office hours for help outside of class.
Work lost because of computer/software crashes or failure to back up files, will be counted as a zero. I am afraid that those types of things are part of the digital art world and you must be able to produce work on time despite such setbacks.
The scheduling of the course is laid out such that you have the weekend to shoot any large assignment/project. Thus, you will always have at least one weekend to complete a larger shoot. I will typically assign projects on a Wednesday with the expectation that you bring the RAW files of what you shot to class on Monday. Monday will then be spend reviewing your images and giving you time to edit them in class. The idea is that you will do your shooting outside of class and your editing in class. That isn’t to say that you will never be expected to edit outside of class, but much of it will be done during class when I can assist you.
Learn to save frequently, save multiple versions, and back-up and maintain multiple copies of work constantly distributed across different storage media. These are important habits to develop for your career. No excuses for lost work. Every semester people lose work due to poor work habits. Don’t be that guy.
A. Attendance will be taken daily.
B. You are granted 3 absences for any reason (excused or non-excused; I don’t discern between the two).
C. Three (3) late = 1 absence.
D. Leaving class early without communication with instructor = absence
E. You will lose one partial letter grade for each absence beyond three. For exampleyou’re your final grade averages to a B-, if you missed 4 classes, your final grade would be a C+.
F. Missing a class for a family or medical emergency— the material and the time must be made up, for it not to count as an absence. If you have more than 3 days missed for medical emergencies your grade can be affected. You must provide appropriate documentation.
G. If your phone goes off in class, I will mark you class participation for the day to zero. Same thing if I catch you playing with your phone for any reason.
H. Think of school as your job. Would you skip work? Would you show up to work late? How would that affect your job security?
*Extra credit will be given for perfect attendance.
I respect everyone’s independence and therefore will not reprimand you for missing class or arriving late. However, it will affect your grade.
VII. non-discrimination
No grades or any other decisions will be made in this class based on issues of race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation. The professor in this course will follow all guidelines on the University policy of non-discrimination.
If because of a diagnosed disability, you need special considerations to complete the requirements of this course, please let me of this as soon as possible, and I will be happy to work with you and a counselor to make any appropriate accommodations.
Questions about any information included in this Syllabus should be asked ASAP. Each STUDENT is responsible for being familiar with the information and policies mentioned above, it is assumed by staying enrolled in this course you understand and agree to them.
* Additional note: I reserve the right to modify this syllabus as the semester progresses whether to compensate for absences or for material that is not thoroughly investigated.
Other Class policies worth noting:
*I DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOUR PHONE. PLEASE TURN IT OFF AND PUT IT AWAY BEFORE COMING TO CLASS. No instant messaging during class time. Please don’t think you can secretly text during class.
*Food and drinks are not permitted in the classroom.
*Downloading software or installing software on the computers is not allowed.
* Headphones are not permitted unless it is lab time for you to work independently. Do not play music or video on your computer.
*Your area MUST be completely cleaned up before you leave. We share this space with other classes so please be respectful. Always return your workspace to its original state.
*Students are responsible for knowing the last day to officially withdrawal at their own discretion.
*It is your responsibility to determine the date of our final exam and be there for it.
*The use of audio and video recorders is prohibited during class unless approved beforehand.
*Your files must be named exactly like this: Your Name First Assignment.TIF
*No work which looks like a cartoon will be accepted for credit. None.
*No image with outlines is to be turned in. No imagery of dragons, unicorns, Pegasus, or Ligers, is allowed. No Manga/Anime inspired work is allowed. This is a college level fine art class.
*Any image that you use for any project must be created solely by you, during the semester, expressly for this course. You cannot turn in an image that you are also using for another class. You cannot download an image from the web, change something or trace it and turn it in as your work. If you need a photo of a man juggling fire, then you need to hunt down a man who can juggle fire and photograph him. The only possible exception is if you need a photo of deep space or something similar that is simply impossible for you to photograph. In those special, rare occasions, you can reference public domain imagery or if absolutely necessary, you can license an appropriate image.
Software Utilized
Adobe Photoshop CS5, NoiseNinja, and the Macintosh operating system.
● Required text: After Photography, Fred Richtin, W.W. Norton & Company, 2009
ISBN 978-0-393-05024-0 (currently sells for around $13 on
●Digital Camera-A camera (preferably a digital SLR) with RAW format and manual exposure capabilities. Some cameras are available for loan from UT, but there may not be enough for everyone. ●Memory Card for your camera of suitable size for class projects. I suggest that you have at least a 4GB card. 8 or 16GB is preferable. I feel it is better to have one big one rather than many small ones.
● External hard drive for bring your work to and from school. Due to the number of files that you will be working on, you will likely require an external hard drive to bring large amounts of files back and forth. Please note that you should always have another copy of the data that is on your flash drive/external hard drive. I suggest at least a 500GB drive. They start at around $60. We will discuss options in class.
● USB Flash Drive to bring files to the printer. I recommend the use of a flash drive over an external hard drive for this. Flash drives are not sensitive to shock like hard drives are. Think of them as temporary briefcases which allow you to shuttle your work back and forth. I would suggest you buy a 16GB or larger USB Flash Drive. As of this writing 16GB drives cost between $30-40. You might want to consider the purchase of a large capacity flash drive over an external hard drive.
● Tripod- You will need to use a tripod for several assignments. Some are available for short term loans from the photo department, but you should really have your own anyways. Bogen and Gitzo make the best. Expect to pay $100-200 for a high quality tripod that will last forever. Cheap ones work for a time, but they will ultimately break and no repair parts will be available. I would not be able to do most of what I do without the use of a tripod.
● Money for ordering prints and a printed book online - you don’t need this right away, but I would suggest you budget about $60 for this.
● Frame, mat board, plexiglass for glazing - you don’t need this right away, but I would suggest you budget $40-60 for this
● Sketchbook - you will be required to sketch out your ideas prior to shooting them
● Binder or folder for organizing course hand outs
● Folder or portfolio for turning in assignments. They don’t have to be pretty; they just have to protect your work.
● Scanner- Everyone should have at least one. They are incredibly cheap and incredibly underrated.
●Card reader allows the very rapid transfer of images to and from the computer. There is one at each station in the lab, but you should have one for your own use. The readers in the lab are old and may not support your particular card.
●Online backup service such as Crashplan, Carbonite, Mozy, etc.
IMPORTANT NOTES: No subject matter is taboo for this class. You will have a great deal of freedom in selecting the subject matter for each assignment. This means that you may find that some of your classmates’ images include nudity, sexually explicit content, or other content that you may find offensive. Please bear in mind that this is an art class and what you may find offensive, others revel in. You will have your chance to tactfully, respectfully express your constructive criticisms/comments during critiques.
It is expected that you come to each class with a notebook and pen to take notes. It is expected that you will take notes each class. I still have my notes from undergrad that I reference on occasion.
I do not accept FB friend requests from current students during the semester. I would be happy to be your Facebook friend once class concludes.
It is expected that you are in class for the express reason to learn about digital photography. As such, it is expected that you refrain from surfing the web or checking your FB/e-mail during class/texting. You will have breaks during which you can do so. If you are found to be doing so, it will adversely affect your participation grade.
Absolutely no food or drink is permitted in the lab. This is not my rule, so please don’t ask me to change it.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Welcome to Class!
Today, I will discuss the syllabus, get an email address from each of you, and discuss the first assignment.
If you need a camera, I will pass one out to you. Please bring your camera and instruction manual each day to class until I tell you in is no longer necessary.