Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Panorama stitching programs and tutorials

Okay, we are going to make some panoramas! I love panoramas! One day I will offer an all panorama class!

Once you have all your images shot for inclusion into a panorama, you need to use a program to stitch the individual images into a single panoramic image. 

The Photo Merge panorama feature in PS is much better than it was before. You might just want to start there. It can be accessed by going to File > Automate > PhotoMerge.

NeoPanoramic - features reviews of many of the programs listed below. They are worth reading. 

Hugin - a very powerful, feature rich panorama stitching program. It is however, not the most user friendly program. It is free though. Awesome name.

PTgui is a commercial product similar to Hugin but possibly with better support. It is expensive, but very capable. 
There are other programs besides Hugin that you might want to try.

Microsoft's Image Composite Editor (ICE) - Free Microsoft program, simple but powerful. There is however no official support. Support is via a community forum. Of course, it is Windows only.

Gigapan is project to create incredibly high resolution panorama images using a robotic panorama head.

Autopano - high end panorama stitching software. Very powerful, but expensive.

Flaming Pear Flexify - Photoshop Plugin which facilitates making pans in various projections. Does some really incredible things. Great name!

Panorama 360 Action - It automatically crops your panorama to 360 with no overlap.

AltoStorm- Panorama Corrector - a program to clean up panoramic distortions. I haven't used it, but it would seem that you can do the same things in Hugin.

Flickr Group which utilizes a clever utility to display your rectalinear images as immersive images.

Dermander - an online panorama creation utility. It hosts them as well and makes interactive versions. 

Panomonkey - another online panorama creation site with hosting. 

PTStitcher - free program for Mac and PC that can generate full 360 x 180 images. I haven't had a chance to try it yet though. 

Autodesk Stitcher - haven't tried it yet.

PanoramaPlus - inexpensive commercial product - haven't tried it yet...

Kekus Digital Calico Panorama stitcher - haven't tried it yet. For Mac only.

Autostitch - a free, simple panorama program for Windows only.
Hack a Day's Guide to Making a Small Planet

PhotoExtemist guide to making a 360 x 180 Planet using Hugin

An idiots guide to making a small planet

Flickr discussion group on making small planets

Flickr discussion about using Hugin for stereographic projections

Complex tutorial on using Hugin to create an equitorial pan and then making it a sterographic projection

Sweet little planet with northern lights

Simimilar one to above

Wikipedia article about stereographic projection

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