Thursday, February 2, 2012

Secrets Project

This assignment also makes me think about this OMD song titled Secrets:

For this assignment, you are to create a series of four images in response to learning a classmate's secret.
You can respond that that secret in anyway that you wish. You do not need to depict or re-enact the secret. Rather, you can interpret it very loosely. You might want to think of what situation led to the secret, how the secret changed their life, how they are living/dealing with the secret, what it would be like after the secret, etc. Also, feel free to choose whatever sex you want for the characters. For example, let's say a hypothetical secret is "I am ashamed of how my girlfriend dresses." You could choose to take a series about living with a poorly dressed boyfriend.

This resulting images are to be straight black and white images. You are to shoot them in color and make the conversion to black and white using PS, LR, or any other image editing applications. Technically, the thing to remember is that the images need to have good separation of tone. Dodge and burn as needed. I don't want you taking out any elements using PS or LR. The real work is in the conceptualization and the shooting. Again, I don't want it to be cheesy. Please take this assignment seriously with the belief that the secret you received is sincere. Please be respectful of one another.

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